




教授、博士生导师,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者(2021),国家创新人才计划(2012),国家优秀青年科学基金获得者(2014),中科院动物进化与遗传前沿交叉卓越创新中心骨干(2019)。2005年获中国科学院生物物理研究所博士,之后在美国华盛顿大学医学院和宾夕法尼亚大学大学医学院从事博士后研究,长期从事学习记忆,神经退行性疾病以及脑衰老等方面的研究工作,并致力于解析表观遗传调控在脑衰老和神经退行性疾病中的作用机制。近年来取得了一系列重要研究成果,发表于Cell, Neuron, Trends in Neurosciences, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology等国际学术期刊。得到国家自然科学基金,科技部重点研发计划,中科院战略先导科技专项等项目支持。兼任中科院脑功能与脑疾病重点实验室副主任,衰老生物医学安徽省重点实验室副主任。



1. 脑衰老和阿尔茨海默病的分子细胞机制探索;

2. 大脑脂代谢在神经退行性疾病以及衰老过程中的作用机制研究;

3. 表观遗传调控在学习记忆中的作用机制解析。



1. Li D, Gao X, Ma X, Wang M, Cheng C, Xue T, Gao F, Shen Y, Zhang J, Liu Q.Aging-induced tRNAGlu-derived fragment impairs glutamate biosynthesis by targeting mitochondrial translation-dependent cristae organizationCell Metabolism 36: 1-17, 2024.

2. Li D, Cao R, Li Q, Yang Y, Tang A, Zhang J, Liu Q. Nucleolus assembly impairment leads to two-cell transcriptional repression via NPM1-mediated PRC2 recruitment. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 30:914-9252023.

3. Li XH, Zhang J, Li DF, He C, He K, Xue T, Wan L, Zhang C and Liu Q. Astrocytic ApoE reprograms neuronal cholesterol metabolism and histone acetylation-mediated memory. Neuron109:957-970, 2021.

4. Li D, Zhang J, Liu Q.Brain cell type-specific cholesterol metabolism and implications for learning and memory.Trends in Neurosciences 45:401-414, 2022.

5.  Li D, Zhang J, Wang M, Li X, Gong H, Tang H, Chen L, Wan L and Liu Q.Activity dependent LoNA Regulates Translation by Coordinating rRNA Transcription and Methylation. Nature Communications 91):17262018.

6.  Raihan O, Brishti A, Li Q, Zhang Q, Li D, Li X, Zhang Q, Xie Z, Li J, Zhang J, Liu Q. SFRS11 loss leads to aging-associated cognitive decline by modulating LRP8 and ApoE. Cell Reports 28(1):78-90, 2019.

7. Zhang Q, Zhang J, Ye J, Li X, Liu H, Ma X, Wang C, He K, Zhang W, Yuan J, Zhao Y, Xu H, Liu Q. Nuclear speckle specific hnRNP D-like prevents age- and AD-related cognitive decline by modulating RNA splicing.Molecular Neurodegeneration 16(1):66, 2021.

8. Zhang J, Liu Q.Age- and disease-related memory decline: epigenetic biomarker and treatment. Science Bulletin 68(16):1719-1721, 2023.

9. Zhang J, Li D, He K, Liu Q*, Xie Z*. Aging-induced YTHDF aggregates impair mitochondrial function by trapping mitochondrial RNAs and suppressing their expression in the brain. Protein & Cell 15(2):149-1552024.

10. Li D, Zhang J, Liu Q.Mechanistic insights on non-coding RNAs in learning and memory.Science Bulletin. 68(15):1591-1594, 2023.

11.  Zhang J, Liu Q.Cholesterol metabolism and homeostasis in the brain. Protein & Cell. 6(4):254-642015.




