占 成

占 成




1) 神经调控摄食和能量代谢的机制。

2) 神经-免疫-代谢的反馈调节机制。

特任教授 博士生导师 2018年获基金委优秀青年基金支持。2021年加入中国科学与技术大学。近年来以第一/通讯作者身份在Neuron,Current Biology, PNAS,Journal of Neuroscience等国际知名杂志发表多篇论文,累计他引1000余次,h-index 9,最高单篇他引290余次(截至2021年,Google Scholar)。现任中国生理学会青年工作委员会和自主神经分会委员,中国神经生物学会应激分会委员。



1Jing Chen, Minxiu Cheng, Liang Wang, Lei Zhang, Dan Xu, Peng Cao, Fengchao Wang, Herbert Herzog, Sen Song, Cheng Zhan#. A vagal-NTS neural pahway that stimulates feeding. Current Biology2020. # corresponding author

2L. Mei, Y.Fan , M. Wang, X. Lv , C. Zhan#, E. Zhang#. Longitudinal in vivo recording of clock gene transcription in the brains of freely-moving mice. PNAS (2018). #co-corresponding author.

3、L. Mei , C. Zhan , E. Zhang. In Vivo Monitoring of Circadian Clock Gene Expression in the Mouse Suprachiasmatic Nucleus Using Fluorescence Reporters. JOVE (2018).

4、Z. Zhao, L. Wang, W. Gao, F. Hu, J. Zhang, Y. Ren, R. Lin, Q. Feng, M. Cheng, D. Ju, Q. Chi, D. Wang, S. Song, M. Luo and C. Zhan# (2017). A Central Catecholaminergic Circuit Controls Blood Glucose Levels during Stress. Neuron 95, 138-152 e135. Featured Article. # corresponding author.

5D. Wang, X. He, Z. Zhao, Q.Feng, R.Lin, Y. Sun, T. Ding, F. Xu #, M. Luo #, C. Zhan # (2015) Whole-brain mapping of the direct inputs and axonal projections of POMC and AgRP neurons. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 9:40. # co-corresponding author.

6C. Zhan*#, J. Zhou *, Q. Feng, J. Zhang, S. Lin, J. Bao, P. Wu, M. Luo #, Acute and long-term suppression of feeding behavior by POMC neurons in the brainstem and hypothalamus, respectively. J Neurosci 33:3624-3632, 2013. Selected for F1000Prime. # co-corresponding author, *co-fist author,.

7C. Zhan, M. Luo, Diverse patterns of odor representation by neurons in the anterior piriform cortex of awake mice. J Neurosci 30, 16662-16672, 2010.



2Zhan C. POMC Neurons: Feeding, Energy Metabolism, and Beyond. In Neural Regulation of Metabolism. 2018 (pp. 17-29). Springer, Singapore.







