





博士生导师,特任教授,申请人曾入选天津市创新人才推进计划青年科技优秀人才、获批国家自然科学基金委优秀青年科学基金。近五年以通讯作者在J Hepatology, J Bio Chem, Br J Pharmacol, Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, Theronostics等期刊发表论文16篇,以第三完成人获高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖自然科学二等奖,第二完成人获中华医学科技奖三等奖。








主要从事心血管疾病相关的基础和应用研究,培养博士、硕士研究生6名。在J Hepatology, J Bio Chem, Br J Pharmacol等学术期刊(SCI)发表论文70余篇,总引用频次1000余次。









1.Zhang S, Guo F, Yu M, Yang X, Yao Z, Li Q, Wei Z, Feng K, Zeng P, Zhao D, Li X, Zhu Y, Miao QR, Iwakiri Y, Chen Y*, Han J*, Duan Y*. Reduction of Nogo-B expression deficiency protects mice against high-carbohydrate diet-induced hepatic metabolic disorders by regulating ChREBP and insulin activity. J Hepatol. 2020; 73(6):1482-1495.

2.Wang D#, Yang X#, Chen Y, Gong K, Yu M, Gao Y, Wu X, Hu H, Liao C, Han J*, Duan Y*. Ascorbic acid enhances low-density lipoprotein receptor expression by suppressing proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin 9 expression. J Biol Chem. 2020; 295(47):15870-15882.

3.Zhang S#, Yu M#, Guo F, Yang X, Chen Y, Ma C, Li Q, Wei Z, Li X, Wang H, Hu H, Zhang Y, Kong D, Miao Q, Hu W, Hajjar DP, Zhu Y, Han J*, Duan Y*. Rosiglitazone alleviates a-naphthylisothiocyanate-induced intrahepatic cholestasis in mice – The role of circulating 15d-PGJ2 and Nogo. Br J Pharmacol. 2020;177(5): 1041-1060.

4.Yang J#, Zeng P#, Liu L, Yu M, Su J, Yan Y, Ma J, Hu W, Yang X, Han J, Duan Y*, Chen Y*. Food with calorie restriction reduces the development of atherosclerosis in apoE-deficient mice. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2020;524(2):439-445.

5.Yu M#, Zhang S#, Guo F, Yang X, Li Q, Wei Z, Han J, Duan Y*, Chen Y*. Identification of Nogo-B as a new molecular target of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma. Cell Signal. 2020;65:109429.

6.Liu Y#, Wei Z#, Zhang Y, Ma X, Chen Y, Yu M, Ma C, Li X, Cao Y, Liu J, Han J, Yang X*, Duan Y*. Activation of liver X receptor plays a central role in antiviral actions of 25-hydroxycholesterol. J Lipid Res. 2018;59(12):2287-2296. (封面论文并被美国生物化学与分子生物学学会新闻月刊ASBMB Today专题报道)

7.Liu Y, Wei Z, Ma X, Yang X, Chen Y, Sun L, Ma C, Miao QR, Hajjar DP, Han J*, Duan Y*. 25-Hydroxycholesterol activates the expression of cholesterol 25-hydroxylase in an LXR-dependent mechanism. J Lipid Res. 2018;59(3):439-451.

8.Ma C, Zhang W, Yang X, Liu Y, Liu L, Feng K, Zhang X, Yang S, Sun L, Yu M, Yang J, Li X, Hu W, Miao RQ, Zhu Y, Li LY, Han J*, Chen Y*, Duan Y*. Functional interplay between LXR and AMPKa inhibits atherosclerosis in apoE deficient mice-A new anti-atherogenic strategy. Br J Pharmacol. 2018;175(9):1486-1503.

9.Zhang W#, Yang X#, Chen Y#, Hu W, Liu L, Zhang X, Liu M, Sun L, Liu Y, Yu M, Li X, Li LY, Zhu Y, Miao QR*, Han J*, Duan Y*. Activation of hepatic Nogo-B receptor expression—A new anti-liver steatosis mechanism of statins. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2018;1863(2):177-190.

10.Sun L#, Yang X#, Li Q, Zeng P, Liu Y, Liu L, Chen Y, Yu M, Ma C, Li X, Li Y, Zhang R, Zhu Y, Miao QR, Han J*, Duan Y*. Activation of Adiponectin Receptor Regulates Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin Type 9 Expression and Inhibits Lesions in ApoE-Deficient Mice. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2017;37(7):1290-1300.

11.Zhang L#, Chen Y#, Yang X, Yang J, Cao X, Li X, Li L, Miao QR, Hajjar DP, Duan Y*, Han J*. MEK1/2 inhibitors activate macrophage ABCG1 expression and reverse cholesterol transport-An anti-atherogenic function of ERK1/2 inhibition. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2016;1861(9 Pt A):1180-91.

12.Yu M#, Jiang M#, Chen Y, Zhang S, Zhang W, Yang X, Li X, Li Y, Duan S, Han J*, Duan Y*. Inhibition of Macrophage CD36 Expression and Cellular Oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein (oxLDL) Accumulation by Tamoxifen: A PEROXISOME PROLIFERATOR-ACTIVATED RECEPTOR (PPAR)γ-DEPENDENT MECHANISM. J Biol Chem. 2016;291(33):16977-89. (封面论文)

13.Wang Q#, Sun L#, Yang X, Ma X, Li Q, Chen Y, Liu Y, Zhang D, Li X, Xiang R, Wei Y, Han J*, Duan Y*. Activation of liver X receptor inhibits the development of pulmonary carcinomas induced by 3-methylcholanthrene and butylated hydroxytoluene in BALB/c mice. Sci Rep. 2016;6:27295.

14.Yang X#, Zhang W#, Chen Y#, Li Y, Sun L, Liu Y, Liu M, Yu M, Li X, Han J*, Duan Y*. Activation of Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptor γ (PPARγ) and CD36 Protein Expression: THE DUAL PATHOPHYSIOLOGICAL ROLES OF PROGESTERONE. J Biol Chem. 2016;291(29):15108-18.

15.Li X, Cao X, Zhang X, Kang Y, Zhang W, Yu M, Ma C, Han J, Duan Y*, Chen Y*. MEK1/2 inhibitors induce interleukin-5 expression in mouse macrophages and lymphocytes. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2016;473(4):939-946.

16.Liu M, Zhang W, Li X, Han J, Chen Y*, Duan Y*. Impact of age and sex on the development of atherosclerosis and expression of the related genes in apoE deficient mice. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2016;469(3):456-62.


E-mail: yajunduan@ustc.edu.cn 

