







2011年本科毕业于清华大学化学系(化学生物学基础科学班),2016年博士毕业于清华大学化学系。2016年至2022年于英国剑桥MRC-Laboratory of Molecular Biology进行博士后研究。以第一(含共一)作者和共同通讯作者于NatureNat CommunPNASAngew ChemAcc Chem Res等杂志发表论文10余篇。曾获EMBO Long-Term Fellowship (2017-2018), 并于2018-2020入选为剑桥大学女王学院的博士后研究员(Postdoctoral Research Associate, PDRA)。20227月加入中科大生医部,致力于用化学生物学手段在活体系统中研究蛋白质酶、蛋白质翻译后修饰的功能和在机体病变中的作用;依托合成生物学手段开发新功能的酶、功能化细胞、蛋白分子用于癌症、传染病等疾病的诊断和治疗。







2016-2022年,英国MRC-Laboratory of Molecular Biology,博士后;








(1)  Yongchao Wang, S. Tang,* “Capturing covalent catalytic intermediates by enzyme mutants: recent advances in methodologies and applications” ChemBioChem 2023, Accepted (ChemBioTalents 2022/2023 special collections)

(2)  S. Tang,* A.T. Beattie, L. Kafkova, G. Petris, N. Huguenin-Dezot, M. Fiedler, M. Freeman, J.W. Chin,* “Mechanism-based traps enable protease and hydrolase substrate discovery” Nature 2022, 602, 701-707. (first and co-corresponding)

(3)  D. Cervettini, S. Tang, S.D. Fried, J.C.W. Willis, L.F.H. Funke, L.J. Colwell, J.W. Chin, “Rapid Discovery and Evolution of Orthogonal Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase-tRNA Pairs” Nat. Biotechnol.2020, 38, 989-999.

(4)  S. Tang#, L.-J. Liang#, Y.-Y. Si#, S. Gao, J.-X. Wang, J. Liang, Z.-Q. Mei, J.-S. Zheng, L. Liu, “Practical Chemical Synthesis of Atypical Ubiquitin Chains by Using an Isopeptide-Linked Ub Isomer” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2017, 129, 13518-13522.

(5)  S. Tang#, C. Zuo#, D.-L. Huang, X.-Y. Cai, L.-H. Zhang, C.-L. Tian, J.-S. Zheng, L. Liu, “Chemical Synthesis of Membrane Proteins by the Removable Backbone Modification Method”. Nat. Protoc. 2017, 12, 2554-2569.

(6)  J.-B. Li#, S. Tang#, J.-S. Zheng, C.-L. Tian, L. Liu, “Removable Backbone Modification Method for the Chemical Synthesis of Membrane Proteins” Acc. Chem. Res. 2017, 50, 1143-1153. (co-first)

(7)  S. Tang#, Z. Wan#, Y. Gao#, J.-S. Zheng, J. Wang, Y.-Y. Si, X. Chen, H. Qi, L. Liu, W. Liu, “Total Chemical Synthesis of Photoactivatable Proteins for Light-controlled Manipulation of Antigen–antibody Interactions” Chem. Sci. 2016, 7, 1891-1895.

(8)  J. Wang#, S. Tang#, Z. Wan, Y. Gao, Y. Cao, J. Yi, Y.-Y. Si, H. Zhang, L. Liu, W. Liu, “Utilization of a Photoactivatable Antigen System to Illuminate the B Cell Fingering Termination and B Cell Receptor Sorting Mechanisms in the Initiation of B Cell Activation” Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA2016, 113, E558-567.

(9)  S. Tang, Y.-Y. Si, Z.-P. Wang, K.-R. Mei, X. Chen, J.-Y. Cheng, J.-S. Zheng, L. Liu, “An Efficient One-Pot Four-Segment Condensation Method for Protein Chemical Synthesis” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2015, 54, 5713-5717.

(10)  X. Chen#, S. Tang#, J.-S. Zheng#, R. Zhao, Z.-P. Wang, W. Shao, H.-N. Chang, J.-Y. Cheng, H. Zhao, L. Liu, H. Qi, “Chemical Synthesis of a Two-photon-activatable Chemokine and Photon-guided Lymphocyte Migration in Vivo” Nat. Commun.2015, 6
