



1. 肠道细菌抗原递呈方式及诱导产生的粘膜IgA对共生菌、病原菌的区分机制

2. 生命早中期各时间窗口菌群对适应性免疫的塑造作用

3. 共生菌在宿主体内建立过程的随机性和生发中心研究

4. 肠道定殖的菌群对其他粘膜免疫系统中B细胞功能的作用

特任教授,国家级创新人才计划(2021)获得者,博士生导师,2005年本科毕业于山东师范大学,2011年博士毕业于中国科学院上海生化与细胞生物学研究所,2011年至2017年于瑞士伯尔尼大学(2013-2015)从事博士后研究、2017-2022于瑞士伯尔尼大学附属小岛医院从事研究工作。202212月加入中国科学技术大学生命科学与医学部,担任PI。主要研究方向是肠道共生微生物与宿主获得性免疫的相互关系,以及由此介导的生理及病理学结果。相关研究成果以第一作者在Nature (2020)Immunity (2018)Nat Commun (2015)Cell ResearchEMBO J; 以共同作者在Science (两篇)Cell host &microbe (两篇)等期刊发表。H-index = 15, 总引用超过2300次。



1. Li H*, Limenitakis JP*, Greiff V, Yilmaz B, Schären O, Urbaniak C, Zünd M, Melissa L, Young I, Rupp S, Heikenwälder M, McCoy KD, Hapfelmeier S, Ganal-Vonarburg S*, Macpherson AJ*. Mucosal or systemic microbiota exposures shape the B cell repertoire. Nature, 2020, 584, pages274–278 (*equal contribution)

2. Uchimura Y*, Fuhrer T*, Li H*,Lawson MA,Zimmermann M,Yilmaz B, Zindel J,Ronchi F, Sorribas M, Hapfelmeier S, Ganal-Vonarburg SC, Gomez de Agüero M, McCoy KD, Sauer U, Macpherson AJ. Antibodies set boundaries limiting microbial metabolite penetration and the resultant mammalian host response. Immunity, 2018 Sep 18;49(3):545-559.e5. (*equal contribution)

3. Li H*, Limenitakis JP*, Fuhrer T, Geuking MB,Lawson MA,Wyss M, Brugiroux S,Keller I, Macpherson JA, Rupp S, Stolp B, Stecher B, Stein JV, Sauer U, McCoy KD, Macpherson AJ. The outer mucus layer hosts a distinct intestinal microbial niche. Nat. Comm., 2015, 6 (1), 1-13 (*equal contribution).

4. Li H, Limenitakis JP, Ganal S, Macpherson AJ. Penetrability of the inner mucus layer: who is out there? EMBO Reports,2015 ,16 (2), 127-129 (research commentary)

5. Yilmaz B, Mooser C, Keller I, Li H, Zimmermann J, Bosshard L, Fuhrer T, Gomez de Agüero M, Fernandez Trigo N, Tschanz-Lischer H, Limenitakis JP, Hardt WD, McCoy KD, Stecher B, Excoffier L, Sauer U, Ganal-Vonarburg SC, Macpherson AJ. Long-term evolution and short-term adaptation of microbiota strains and sub-strains in mice. Cell host & microbe, 2021,29 (4), 650-663. e9

6. Singh S, Thompson JA, Yilmaz B, Li H, Weis S, Sobral D, Truglio M, Aires da Silva F, Sandra Aguiar S, Carlos AR, Rebelo S, Cardoso S, Gjini E, Nuñez G, Soares MP. Loss of α-gal during primate evolution enhanced antibody-effector function and resistance to bacterial sepsis. Cell host & microbe, 2021, 29 (3), 347-361. e12

7. Grootjans J, Krupka N, Hosomi S, Matute JD, Hanley T,Saveljeva S,Gensollen T,Heijmans J, Li H, Limenitakis JP, Ganal-Vonarburg SC, Suo S, Luoma AM, Shimodaira Y, Duan J, Shih DQ, Conner ME, Glickman JN, Fuhler GM, Palm NW, de Zoete MR, van der Woude CJ, Yuan GC, Wucherpfennig KW, Targan SR, Rosenstiel P, Flavell RA, McCoy KD, Macpherson AJ, Kaser A, Blumberg RS. Epithelial endoplasmic reticulum stress orchestrates a protective IgA response. Science,2019 Mar 1;363(6430):993-998.

8. Yilmaz B & Li H. Gut Microbiota and Iron: The Crucial Actors in Health and Disease. Pharmaceuticals. 2018 Oct 5;11(4):98. (Review)


9. Gomez de Agüero M, Ganal-Vonarburg SC, Fuhrer T, Rupp S, Uchimura Y, Li H, Steinert A, Heikenwalder M, Hapfelmeier S, Sauer U, McCoy KD, Macpherson AJ. The maternal microbiota drives early postnatal innate immune development. Science. 2016.

10. Cao Y*, Li H*, Liu H, Sun Y, Chen X, Zheng C, Ji H and Liu X. The serine/ threonine kinase LKB1 regulates thymocyte positive selection and TCR signal transduction. EMBO J. 2011 (*equal contribution)

11. Cao Y*, Li H*, Liu H, Zheng C, Ji H and Liu X. The serine/threonine kinase LKB1 controls thymocyte survival through regulation of AMPK activation and Bcl-XL expression. Cell Research. 2010 (*equal contribution)

12. Cao Y*, Li H*, Sun Y, Chen X, Liu H, Gao X and Liu X. Interferon regulatory factor 4 regulates thymocyte differentiation by repressing Runx3 expression. EJI. 2010 (*equal contribution)


1. 招聘免疫学、微生物学、分子生物学等相关专业的副研/博士后。

2. 欢迎对肠道菌群共生及宿主获得性免疫感兴趣的同学前来攻读硕士、博士学位和本科实习


