


2 减数分裂分子调控;
5 肿瘤细胞的发生途径和命运。

教授 博士生导师 国家杰出青年基金获得者 国家重大科学研究计划项目首席科学家 曾任科技部重大科学研究计划“发育和生殖”专家组专家 94年9月-98年10月德国国立环境与健康研究中心与南京师范大学联合培养博士 获博士学位 98年11月-01年12月加拿大卡加里大学 (University of Calgary, Canada)博士后 02年1月-04年12月美国哈佛大学医学院(Harvard Medical School, USA)Research Fellow。

2004年12月回国担任中国科技大学合肥微尺度物质科学国家实验室PI和生命科学学院教授、博士生导师。现任安徽省细胞生物学会理事长、中华医学会安徽医学遗传分会副会长、安徽省环境诱变剂学会副理事长、中国细胞生物学会细胞结构与功能分会副理事长等多项学会职务。担任《PloS One》、《遗传》、《中国细胞生物学报》和《生命科学》等多家杂志的常务编委或编委。近10年,作为第一或通讯作者在Nature、American Journal of Human Genetics、Cell Research、Journal of Molecular Cell Biology、Cell Cycle、Bioinformatics和Nucleic Acids Research等杂志上发表SCI论文30余篇,被他人引用近2000次。


国家重大科学研究计划项目(减数分裂机制及其异常导致不育患者的生殖力重建 2013-2014),国家重大科学研究计划项目子课题(卵子发生的减数分裂机制2012-2016、卵泡形成和募集的生物学机制2013-2017、精原干细胞增殖和分化的表观遗传学调节2014-2018),国家基金委中-以国际合作项目(精母细胞发育停滞的分子基础和机制2014-2017)、面上项目(小鼠支持细胞中血睾屏障基因缺失导致精子发生微环境变化的研究 2014-2017), 教育部博士点优先发展领域项目(非整倍体肿瘤细胞命运决定的分子基础及机制2013-2015)等。


Shi Q, King RW*. Chromosome nondisjunction yields tetraploid rather than aneuploid cells in human cell lines. Nature437:1038-1042, 2005.
2. Chu B, Zhong L, Dou S, Wang J, Li J, Wang M,
Shi QH*, Mei Y*, Wu M*. miRNA-181 regulates embryo implantation in mice through targeting leukemia inhibitory factor.Journal of Molecular Cell Biology 7(1):12-22, 2015.
3. Jiang X, Ma T, Zhang Y, Zhang H, Yin S, Zheng W, Wang L, Wang Z, Khan M, Sheikh SW, Bukhari I, Iqbal F, Cooke HJ,
Shi Q*. Specific deletion of Cdh2 in Sertoli cells leads to altered meiotic progression and subfertility of mice.Biology of Reproduction. pii: biolreprod.114.126334. 2015 Jan 28. 
4. Wang L, Xu Z, Iqbal F, Zhong L, Zhang Y, Wu C, Zhou G, Jiang H, Bukhari I, Cooke HJ,
Shi Q*. Decreased XY recombination and disturbed meiotic prophase I progression in an infertile 48, XYY, +sSMC man.Chromosome Res. 2015 Jan 28.
5. Wang Z, Yin H, Zhang Y, Feng Y, Yan Z, Jiang X, Bukhari I, Iqbal F, Cooke HJ,
Shi Q*. miR-214-mediated downregulation of RNF8induces chromosomal instability in ovarian cancer cells.Cell Cycle  13(22):3519-3528, 2014.
6. Jiang X, Zhang H, Yin S, Zhang Y, Yang W, Zheng W, Wang L, Wang Z, Bukhari I, Cooke HJ, Iqbal F,
Shi Q*. Specific deficiency of Plzf paralog, Zbtb20, in Sertoli cells does not affect spermatogenesis and fertility in mice.Scientific Reports 4:7062, 2014.
7. Jiang XH, Bukhari I, Zheng W, Yin S, Wang Z, Cooke HJ,
Shi QH*. Blood-testis barrier and spermatogenesis: lessons from genetically-modified mice.Asian Journal of Andrology 16(4):572-80, 2014. Invited review.
8. Zhang H, Jiang X, Zhang Y, Xu B, Hua J, Ma T, Zheng W, Sun R, Shen W, Cooke HJ, Hao Q, Qiao J,
Shi Q*. microRNA 376a regulates follicle assembly by targeting Pcna in fetal and neonatal mouse ovaries.Reproduction 148(1):43-54, 2014.
9. Jiang H, Wang L, Cui Y, Xu Z, Guo T, Cheng D, Xu P, Yu W, Shi Q*. Meiotic chromosome behavior in a human male t(8;15) carrier.Journal of Genetics and Genomics 41(3):177-85, 2014.
10. Ma H, Cooke HJ,
Shi Q*. Meiosis: recent progress and new opportunities.Journal of Genetics and Genomics 41(3):83-85, 204. Editorial
11. Wang J, Qian J, Hu Y, Kong X, Chen H,
 Shi Q, Jiang L, Wu C, Zou W, Chen Y, Xu J, Fang JY. ArhGAP30 promotes p53 acetylation and function in colorectal cancer.Nature Communications. 5:4735, 2014.
12. Wang Z, Yin H, Lv L, Feng Y, Chen S, Liang J, Huang Y, Jiang X, Jiang H, Bukhari I, Wu L, Cooke HJ,
Shi Q*. Unrepaired DNA damage facilitates elimination of uniparental chromosomes in interspecific hybrid cells.Cell Cycle 13(8):1345-56, 2014.
13. Yang Q, Hua J, Wang L, Xu B, Zhang H, Ye N, Zhang Z, Yu D, Cooke HJ, Zhang Y,
Shi Q*.MicroRNA and piRNA profiles in normal human testis detected by next generation sequencing.PLoS One8(6):e66809, 2013.
14. Wu J, Liu Q, Wang X, Zheng J, Wang T, You M, Sheng Sun Z,
Shi Q.mirTools 2.0 for non-coding RNA discovery, profiling and functional annotation based on high-throughput sequencing.RNA Biol. 10(7)1087-92, 2013.
15. Zhang Y, Zhong L, Xu B, Yang Y, Ban R, Zhu J, Cooke HJ, Hao Q,
Shi Q.SpermatogenesisOnline 1.0: a resource for spermatogenesis based on manual literature curation and genome-wide data mining.Nucleic Acids Res. 41:D1055-62, 2013.
16. Lv L, Zhang T, Yi Q, Huang Y, Wang Z, Hou H, Zhang H, Zhang W, Hao Q, Guo Z, Cooke HJ,
Shi Q*. Tetraploid cells from cytokinesis failure induce aneuploidy and spontaneous transformation of mouse.Cell Cycle11(15):2864-2875, 2012.
17. Zhang Y, Xu B, Yang Y, Ban R, Zhang H, Jiang X, Cooke HJ, Xue Y,
Shi Q*. CPSS: a computational platform for the analysis of small RNA deep sequencing data. Bioinformatics28(14):1925-1927, 2012.
18. Yang C, Shi X, Huang Y, Zhang Z, Cooke HJ, Wang M,
Shi Q*. Rapid proliferation of daughter cells lacking particular chromosomes due to multipolar mitosis promotes clonal evolution in colorectal cancer cells.Cell Cycle 11(14): 11(14):2650-9, 2012.
19. Hou H, Zhang Y, Huang Y, Yi Q, Lv L, Zhang T, Chen D, Hao Q,
Shi Q*. Inhibitors of phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinases promote mitotic cell death in HeLa cells.PLoS One 7(4):e35665, 2012.
20. Huang Y, Jiang L, Yi Q, Lv L, Wang Z, Zhao X, Zhong L, Jiang H, Rasool S, Hao Q, Guo Z, Cooke HJ, Fenech M, Shi Q*. Lagging chromosomes entrapped in micronuclei are not 'lost' by cells.
Cell Res 22(5):932-935, 2012.
21. Pan Z, Yang Q, Ye N, Wang L, Li J, Yu D, Cooke HJ,
Shi Q*. Complex relationship between meiotic recombination frequency and autosomal synaptonemal complex length per cell in normal human males. Am J Med Genet A158A(3):581-7, 2012.
22. Chen D, Zhang Y, Yi Q, Huang Y, Hou H, Zhang Y, Hao Q, Cooke HJ, Li L, Sun Q,
Shi Q*. Regulation of Asymmetrical Cytokinesis by cAMP during Meiosis I in Mouse Oocytes. PLoS One 7(1):e29735, 2012.
23. Yi Q, Zhao X, Huang Y, Ma T, Zhang Y, Hou H, Cooke HJ, Yang DQ, Wu M,
Shi Q*. p53 dependent centrosome clustering prevents multipolar mitosis in tetraploid cells. PLoS One 6(11):e27304, 2011.
24. Chen Q, Shi X, Rudolph C, Yu Y, Zhang D, Zhao X, Mai S, Wang G, Schlegelberger B,
Shi Q*. Recurrent trisomy and Robertsonian translocation of chromosome 14 in murine iPS cell lines.  19(7):857-68, 2011.
25. Yang Q, Zhang D, Leng M, Yang L, Zhong L, Cooke HJ,
Shi Q* .Synapsis and meiotic recombination in male Chinese muntjac (Muntiacus reevesi). PLoS One 6(4):e19255, 2011.
26. Huang Y, Hou H, Yi Q, Zhang Y, Chen D, Jiang E, Xia Y, Fenech M,
Shi Q* . The fate of micronucleated cells post X-irradiation detected by live cell imaging. DNA Repair 10:629-38, 2011.
27. Zhang Y, Yang Y, Zhang H, Jiang X, Xu B, Xue Y, Cao Y, Zhai Q, Zhai Y, Xu M, Cooke HJ,
Shi Q*. Prediction of novel pre-microRNAs with high accuracy through boosting and SVM. Bioinformatics 27(10):1436-7, 2011.
28. Xu B, Hua J, Zhang Y, Jiang X, Zhang H, Ma T, Zheng W, Sun R, Shen W, Sha J, Cooke HJ,
Shi Q*. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) regulates primordial follicle assembly by promoting apoptosis of oocytes in fetal and neonatal mouse ovaries. PLoS One 6(1):e16046, 2011.
29. Huang Y,
Shi Q*. Micronucleus formation detected by live-cell imaging. Mutagenesis 26(1):133-8, 2011.
30. Cai X, Li J, Yang Q,
Shi Q*. Gamma-irradiation increased meiotic crossovers in mouse spermatocytes.Mutagenesis 26(6):721-7, 2011.
31. Leng M, Li G, Zhong L, Hou H, Yu D,
Shi Q*. Abnormal synapses and recombination in an azoospermic male carrier of a reciprocal translocation t(1;21).Fertil Steril 91(4):1293.e17-22, 2009.
32. Rao X, Zhang Y, Yi Q, Hou H, Xu B, Chu L, Huang Y, Zhang W, Fenech M,
Shi Q* . Multiple origins of spontaneously arising micronuclei in HeLa cells: direct evidence from long-term live cell imaging. Mutat Res 646(1-2):41-9, 2008.
33. Li JH, Leng M, Ma TL, Yu DX, Shi HQ,
Shi QH*. Cryopreservation has no effect on meiotic recombination and synapsis in testicular tissues. Fertil Steril 91(4Suppl):1404-7, 2009.
Shi Q, Spriggs E, Field LL, Rademaker A, Ko E, Barclay L, Martin RH*. Absence of age effect on meiotic recombination between human X and Y chromosomes. Am J Hum Genet 71(2):254-261, 2002.


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