






教授,博导,国家杰出青年基金获得者;中科大讲席教授(2022.9-)。1995年兰州大学细胞生物学学士,1998中科院上海细胞所硕士,2004年美国佐治亚州立大学博士。先后在美国爱默蕾(Emory)大学和耶鲁大学(导师Sidney Altman, RNA酶的发现人之一、1989诺贝尔化学奖)进行博士后研究。2010年进入中国科学技术大学工作。单革博士长期从事基因表达调控和非编码RNA功能及功能机理方面的研究。实验室成立以来,发现了新的非编码RNA类型(MecciRNAEIciRNA5S-OTASAT siRNAtiny RNAp53点突变适配体RNA)、研究了新的非编码RNA功能、揭示了新的非编码RNA作用机理、探索了新的非编码RNA研究方法。实验室成立以来在Nature Structural & Molecular BiologyDevelopmental CellAdvanced ScienceNature CommunicationsScience AdvancesGenome BiologyPNASScience China Life SciencesTrends in Biochemical Sciences, Trends in Genetics等期刊发表多篇研究论文。获2020年度安徽省科学技术奖(自然科学奖一等奖,项目名称“新非编码RNA的发现、功能及相关调控”,第一完成人)。获得科技部“中青年科技创新领军人才”(2016),基金委“国家杰出青年基金”(2017),国家 “万人计划”科技创新领军人才(2018)。


1, Zhong Y*, Yang Y*, Wang X, Ren B, Wang X#, Shan G#, Chen L#. Systematic identification and characterization of exon-intron circRNAs. Genome Res. 2024, 34(3):376-393.

2, Li J*, Wang X*#, Shi L, Liu B, Sheng Z, Chang S, Cai X#, Shan G#. A Mammalian Conserved Circular RNA CircLARP1B Regulates Hepatocellular Carcinoma Metastasis and Lipid Metabolism. Adv. Sci. (Weinh). 2024, 11(2):e2305902.

3, Ren B*, Guan MX, Zhou T, Cai X, Shan G#. Emerging functions of mitochondria-encoded noncoding RNAs. Trends Genet. 2023, 39(2):125-139.

4, Liu L*, Wang X*#, Zhao W, Li Q, Li J, Chen H, Shan G#. Systematic characterization of small RNAs associated with C. elegans Argonautes. Sci China Life Sci. 2023, 66(6):1303-1322.

5, Chen L*, Wang Y*, Lin J, Song Z, Wang Q, Zhao W, Wang Y, Xiu X, Deng Y, Li X, Li Q, Wang X, Li J, Liu X, Liu K, Zhou J, Li K, Liu Y, Liao S, Deng Q, Xu C, Sun Q, Wu S, Zhang K, Guan MX, Zhou T, Sun F, Cai X, Huang C#, Shan G#. Exportin 4 depletion leads to nuclear accumulation of a subset of circular RNAs. Nat Commun. 2022, 13(1):5769.

6, Chen L*, Huang C#, Shan G#. Circular RNAs in physiology and non-immunological diseases. Trends Biochem Sci. 2022, 47(3):250-264.

7, Wang X*, Li J*, Bian X, Wu C, Hua J, Chang S, Yu T, Li H, Li Y, Hu S#, Shan G#, Lin W#. CircURI1 interacts with hnRNPM to inhibit metastasis by modulating alternative splicing in gastric cancer. PNAS. 2021, 118(33):e2012881118.

8, Gao L*, Chang S*, Xia W, Wang X, Zhang C, Cheng L, Liu X, Chen L, Shi Q, Huang J#, Xu EY#, Shan G#. Circular RNAs from BOULE play conserved roles in protection against stress-induced fertility decline. Sci Adv. 2020, 6(46):eabb7426.

9, Liu X*, Wang X, Li J, Hu S, Deng Y, Yin H, Bao X, Zhang QC, Wang G, Wang B, Shi Q, Shan G#. Identification of mecciRNAs and their roles in the mitochondrial entry of proteins. Sci China Life Sci. 2020, 63(10):1429-1449.

10, Wei S*, Chen H*, Dzakah EE*, Yu B, Wang X, Fu T, Li J, Liu L, Fang S, Liu W, Shan G#. Systematic evaluation of C. elegans lincRNAs with CRISPR knockout mutants. Genome Biol. 2019, 20(1):7.

11, Yu B*, Wang X, Wei S, Fu T, Dzakah EE, Waqas A, Walthall WW, Shan G#. Convergent Transcriptional Programs Regulate cAMP Levels in C. elegans GABAergic Motor Neurons. Dev Cell. 2017, 43(2):212-226.

12, Hu S*, Wang X*, Shan G#. Insertion of an Alu element in a lncRNA leads to primate-specific modulation of alternative splicing. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2016, 23(11):1011-1019.

13, Li Z*, Huang C*, Bao C*, Chen L, Lin M, Wang X, Zhong G, Yu B, Hu W, Dai L, Zhu P, Chang Z, Wu Q, Zhao Y, Jia Y, Xu P, Liu H, Shan G#. Exon-intron circular RNAs regulate transcription in the nucleus. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2015, 22(3):256-264.

14, Chen L*, Rashid F, Shah A, Awan HM, Wu M, Liu A, Wang J, Zhu T, Luo Z, Shan G#. The isolation of an RNA aptamer targeting to p53 protein with single amino acid mutation. PNAS. 2015, 112(32):10002-10007.

15, Huang C*, Wang X, Liu X, Cao S, Shan G#. RNAi pathway participates in chromosome segregation in mammalian cells. Cell Discov. 2015, 1:15029.

16, Liu H*, Wang X*, Wang HD, Wu J, Ren J, Meng L, Wu Q, Dong H, Wu J, Kao TY, Ge Q, Wu ZX, Yuh CH, Shan G#. Escherichia coli noncoding RNAs can affect gene expression and physiology of Caenorhabditis elegans. Nat Commun. 2012, 3:1073.

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18, Shan G*, Li Y*, Zhang J, Li W, Szulwach KE, Duan R, Faghihi MA, Khalil AM, Lu L, Paroo Z, Chan AW, Shi Z, Liu Q, Wahlestedt C, He C, Jin P#. A small molecule enhances RNA interference and promotes the biogenesis of microRNAs. Nat Biotechnol. 2008, 26(8):933-940.

19, Shan G*, Walthall WW#. Copulation in Caenorhabditis elegans requires a Nuclear Hormone Receptor. Dev Biol. 2008, 322(1):11-20.

20, Shan G*, Kim K, Li C, Walthall WW#. Convergent genetic programs regulate similarities and differences between related motor neuron classes in Caenorhabditis elegans. Dev Biol. 2005, 280(2):494-503.


