



1. 肿瘤微环境与肿瘤代谢

2. 肿瘤转移的分子机制研究

3. 表观遗传学与肿瘤发生发展

4. 新型抗肿瘤药物的筛选和研发

教授 博导 国家杰出青年基金获得者 2004年获日本东京大学博士学位 2004-2005年在美国国立卫生研究院癌症研究所(NCI)任博士后 2005-2008年美国约翰霍普金斯大学医学院博士后

2008-2010年约翰霍普金斯医学院研究助理。主要从事肿瘤微环境与肿瘤细胞代谢,肿瘤转移的分子机制研究以及新型抗癌药物的筛选和研发。已发表SCI论文/著60余篇,研究成果以第一/通讯作者发表于Cancer Cell, Cell Metabolism, Nature Metabolism, Nature Communications, Cell Research, Cancer Research等重要期刊上。2016年起担任安徽省生物工程学会秘书长、副理事长,并担任中国抗癌协会肿瘤代谢专业委员会常委、中国细胞生物学学会细胞信号转导分会委员、安徽省药学会精准药物治疗专委会常委及副主委等。并承担中科院先导项目、国家重大研究计划蛋白质专项及国家自然科学基金委等课题。


  1. Li ST, Huang D, Shen S, Cai Y, Xing S, Wu G, Jiang Z, Hao Y, Yuan M, Wang N, Zhu L, Yan R, Yang D, Wang L, Liu Z, Hu X, Zhou R, Qu K, Li A, Duan X*, Zhang H*, Gao P*. Myc-mediated SDHA acetylation triggers epigenetic regulation of gene expression and tumorigenesis. Nature Metabolism, 2020 March 16; 2:256-269.

  2. Xing S, Li Z, Ma W, He X, Shen S, Wei H, Li ST, Shu Y, Sun L, Zhong X, Huangfu Y, Su L, Feng J, Zhang X, Gao P, Jia WD, Zhang H. DIS3L2 promotes progression of hepatocellular carcinoma via hnRNP U-mediated alternative splicing. Cancer Res. 2019 Oct 1;79(19):4923-4936.

  3. Zhang Y, Li C, Hu C, Wu Q, Cai Y, Xing S, Lu H, Wang L, Huang, Sun L, Li T, He X, Zhong X, Wang J, Gao P, Smith ZJ, Jia W, Zhang H. Lin28 enhances de novo fatty acid synthesis to promote cancer progression via SREBP-1. EMBO Rep. 2019 Oct 4;20(10):e48115. doi: 10.15252/embr.201948115.

  4. Liu X, Shen S, Wu P, Li F, Liu X, Wang C, Gong Q, Wu J, Yao X, Zhang H*, Shi Y*. Structural insights into dimethylation of 12S rRNA by TFB1M: indispensable role in translation of mitochondrial genes and mitochondrial function. Nucleic Acids Res. 2019 Aug 22;47(14):7648-7665.

  5. Zhong X, Cui P, Cai Y, Wang L, He X, Long P, Lu K, Yan R, Zhang Y, Pan X, Zhao X, Li W, Zhang H*, Zhou Q*, Gao P*. Mitochondrial Dynamics Is Critical for the Full Pluripotency and Embryonic Developmental Potential of Pluripotent Stem Cells. Cell Metabolism 2019 Apr 2;29(4):979-992.

  6. Xiaoyu Ma, Lin Wang, De Huang, Yunyan Li, Dongdong Yang, Junfeng Wang, Ping Gao and Zhang H. Polo-like Kinase 1 Coordinates Biosynthesis during Cell Cycle Progression by Directly activating. Pentose phosphate pathway. Nature Communications 2017 Nov 15;8(1):1506.

  7. Huang D, Li T, Wang L, Zhang L, Yan R, Kui Li, Xing S, Wu G, Hu L, Jia W, Lin S, Dang CV, Song L, Gao P, Zhang H. Hepatocellular carcinoma redirects to ketolysis for progression under nutrition stress. Cell Research 2016 Sep 20. 26(10), 1112-1130.

  8. Sun L, Song L, Wan Q, Wu G, Li X, Wang Y, Wang J, Liu Z, Zhong X, He X, Shen S, Wang Y, Gao P*, Tang H, Zhang H. cMyc-Mediated Activation of Serine Biosynthesis Pathway is Critical for Cancer Progression under Nutrient Deprivation  Conditions. Cell Research 2015 Apr;25(4):429-44.

  9. Ma X, Li C, Sun L, Huang D, Li T, He X, Wu G, Yang Z, Zhong X, Song L, Gao P, Zhang H. Lin28/let-7 axis regulates aerobic glycolysis and cancer progression via PDK1. Nature Communications 2014 Oct 10;5:5212.

  10. Huang D, Li T, Li X, Zhang L, Sun L, He X, Zhong X, Jia D, Song L, Semenza GL, Gao P and Zhang H. HIF-1-Mediated Suppression of Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenases and Fatty Acid Oxidation is Critical for Cancer Progression. Cell Reports 2014 Sep 25;8(6):1930-42 .

  11. Zhang H, Gao P, Fukuda R, Kumar G, Krishnamachary B, Dang CV, Semenza GL. HIF-1 represses mitochondrial mass and respiration in VHL-null renal cell carcinoma. Cancer Cell 11(5):407-20,2007.

  12. Fukuda R, Zhang H, Kim JW, Shimoda L, Dang CV, Semenza GL. HIF-1 RegulatesCytochrome Oxidase Subunits to Optimize Efficiency of Respiration in Hypoxic Cells. Cell 129(1):111-22, 2007.





E-mail: hzhang22@ustc.edu.cn;



