教授,博士生导师。2013年于中国科学技术大学生命科学学院获得博士学位,2015年至2019年于美国Emory大学医院从事博士后研究。2019年9月加入中国科学技术大学生命科学与医学部,组建血液免疫学实验室,担任PI。实验室主要围绕生物力学、代谢等前沿方向,通过多学科交叉研究,揭示造血/免疫稳态及其失衡的调控机制。近年来研究成果以第一/通讯作者发表在Cell Stem Cell, Nature Metabolism, Cell Reports Medicine, Nature Communications, Genome Medicine等国际学术期刊。
1. 造血调控及白血病发生机理
2. NK细胞免疫治疗
1. Wang Y, Huang B, Liang T, Jiang L, Wu M, Liu X, Zhu M, Song X, Zhao N, Wei H*, Zheng C*, Ni F*. Venetoclax acts as an immunometabolic modulator to potentiate adoptive NK cell immunotherapy against leukemia. Cell Reports Medicine. 2024;5(6):101580.
2. Guo C#, Wu M#, Huang B#, Zhao R, Jin L, Fu B, Wang P, Wang D, Zheng M, Fang J, Wei H*, Qu K*, Ni F*. Single-cell transcriptomics reveal a unique memory-like NK cell subset that accumulates with ageing and correlates with disease severity in COVID-19. Genome Medicine, 2022; 14(1):46.
3. Ni F, Yu WM, Wang XY, Fay ME, Young KM, Qiu YZ, Lam WA, Sulchek TA, Cheng T, Scadden DT, and Qu CK*. Ptpn21 controls hematopoietic stem cell homeostasis and biomechanics. Cell Stem Cell, 2019; 24(4):608-620.e6.
4. Ni F,YuWM, Li ZG, GrahamDK, JinLT, Kang S, RossiMR, LiSY, BroxmeyerHE, and Qu CK*. Critical role of ASCT2-mediated amino acid metabolism in promoting leukeamia development and progression. Nature Metabolism, 2019;1(3):390-403.
5.Ni F, Sun R, Fu B, Wang F, Guo C, Tian Z*, Wei H*. IGF-1 promotes the development and cytotoxic activity of human NK cells. Nature Communications, 2013; 4:1479.
1. 实验室招聘具有血液学、免疫学、细胞生物学、生物信息学等相关背景的博士后或特任副研究员;
2. 实验室欢迎对血液免疫学感兴趣的学生前来攻读硕士或博士学位。
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