


特任研究员  博士生导师

2015年博士毕业于中山大学。2016-2021年在美国爱荷华大学流行病学系任博士后研究员,副研究员(Associate Research Scientist)。2021年加入中国科学技术大学。

已发表SCI论文60余篇,其中16篇以第一作者或共同通讯作者发表在BMJLancet Diabetes & EndocrinologyLancet Planetary HealthJAMA PediatricsPLOS MedicineJournal of the American College of Cardiology 等期刊。曾获得中国妇幼健康科技奖自然科学三等奖(第四完成人)。






1.Liu B, Du Y, Wu Y, Snetselaar LG, Wallace RB, Bao W. (2021). Trends in obesity and adiposity measures by race or ethnicity among adults in the United States 2011-18: population based study. BMJ, 372:n365.

2.Liu B, Du Y, Wu Y, Sun Y, Santillan MK, Santillan DA, Bao W. (2021) Prevalence and Distribution of Electronic Cigarette Use Before and During Pregnancy among Women in 38 States of the United States. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, online.

3.Liu B*, Xu G, Sun Y, Qiu X, Ryckman K, Yu Y, Snetselaar LG, Bao W*. (2020). Maternal cigarette smoking before and during pregnancy and the risk of preterm birth: A dose–response analysis of 25 million mother–infant pairs. PLOS Medicine, 17(8):e1003158 (*indicate co-corresponding author).

4.Liu B, Xu G, Sun Y, Du Y, Gao R, Snetselaar LG, Santillan MK, Bao W. (2019). Association between maternal pre-pregnancy obesity and preterm birth according to maternal age and race or ethnicity: a population-based study. Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, 7(9):707-714.

5.Liu B, Xu G, Rong S, Santillan DA, Santillan MK, Snetselaar LG, Bao W. (2019). National Estimates of e-Cigarette Use Among Pregnant and Nonpregnant Women of Reproductive Age in the United States, 2014-2017. JAMA Pediatrics, 173(6):600-602.

6.Liu B, Sun Y, Xu G, Rong S, Zhang J, Du Y, Snetselaar LG, Robinson JG, Wallace RB, Bao W. (2018). Long-Term Trends in Hypertension and Elevated blood Pressure Among U.S. Adults, 1999 to 2016. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 72(17): 2089-2091.

7.Liu B, Lehmler HJ, SunY, Xu G, Liu Y, Zong G, Sun Q, Hu FB, Wallace R, Bao W. (2017). Bisphenol A Substitutes and Obesity in US Adults: Analysis of A Population-based, Cross-Sectional Study. Lancet Planetary Health, 1(3):e114-e122.

8.Liu B*, Xu G*, Yang W, Strathearn L, Snetselaar LG, Bao W. (2021). Association between Serum Selenium Concentrations and Learning Disability in a Nationally Representative Sample of US Children. Nutritional Neuroscience, 1-7. (*indicate co-first author)

9.Gao R*, Liu B*, Yang W, Wu Y, Snetselaar LG, Santillan MK, Bao W.(2021) Association between maternal pre-pregnancy body mass index and risk of preterm birth in more than 1 million Asian American mothers. Journal of Diabetes, 13:364-374. (*indicate co-first author)

10.Liu B, Lehmler HJ, Sun Y, Xu G, Sun Q, Snetselaar LG, Wallace RB, Bao W. (2019). Association of Bisphenol A and Its Substitutes, Bisphenol F and Bisphenol S, with Obesity in United States Children and Adolescents. Diabetes and Metabolism Journal, 43(1):59-75.

11.Liu B, Sun Y, Xu G, Snetselaar LG, Ludewig G, Wallace RB, Bao W. (2019). Association between Body Iron Status and Leukocyte Telomere Length, a Biomarker of Biological Aging, in a Nationally Representative Sample of US Adults. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 119(4):617-625.

12.Liu B, Sun Y, Xu G, Du Y, Ajjarapu AS, Snetselaar LG, Bao W. (2018). Association between Plasma Concentrations of Elaidic Acid, a Major Trans Fatty Acid, and Depression in a Nationally Representative Sample of U.S. Adults. Journal of Affective Disorders, 249:301-306.

13.Sun Y*, Liu B*, Du Y, Snetselaar LG, Sun Q, Hu FB, Bao W. (2018). Inverse Association between Organic Food Purchase and Diabetes Mellitus in US Adults. Nutrients, 10(12):1877. (*indicate co-first author)

14.Liu B, Sun Y, Bao W. (2018). Creating and Supporting a Healthy Food Environment for Type 2 Diabetes Prevention. Lancet Planetary Health, 2(10): e423-e424.

15.Liu B, Sun Y, Lehmler HJ, Bao W. (2018). Association between Urinary Tin Concentration and Diabetes in Nationally Representative Sample of US Adults. Journal of Diabetes, 10(12):977-983.

16.Liu B, Sun Y, Snetselaar LG, Sun Q, Yang Q, Zhang Z, Liu L, Hu FB, Bao W. (2018). Association between Plasma Trans-fatty Acid Concentrations and Diabetes in a Nationally Representative Sample of US Adults. Journal of Diabetes, 10(8):653-664.

17.Liu B, Huang Z, Xu G, Jin Y, Chen Y, Li X, Wang Q, Song S, Jing J (2016). Altruistic Sharing Behavior in Children: Role of Theory of Mind and Inhibitory Control. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 141:222-228.



